What are the uses of sheet metal enclosures
2023-12-07 22:32Sheet metal enclosures are used in a wide range of applications, especially in industrial products, factory production equipment and food manufacturing equipment. Sheet metal parts are used as brackets, covers, chassis, rails and other parts of various sizes, while box-shaped parts such as switchboards and boxes are also commonly made from sheet metal. In addition, sheet metal enclosures are also used in the electronic and electrical industries.
Sheet metal working is also very diverse and includes the fields of mechanical sheet metal, manual sheet metal, and architectural sheet metal. In mechanical sheet metal forming, the sheet metal is shaped by means of a die with the help of hydraulics and other forces, and this process is known as "sheet metal working". Because it requires the use of factory equipment, mechanical sheet metal is also referred to as "factory sheet metal", and because it is capable of precision machining, it is also referred to as "precision sheet metal".