Installation tips for sheet metal enclosures

2023-10-28 09:59

1.  Assembling method : Sheet metal enclosure is assembled in various ways, commonly used are screw assembly, spot welding, pull rivet assembly, riveting assembly and extraction of teeth + screw assembly.


2.  Screw assembly : Sheet metal parts can be directly punched or drawn holes on the plane, using self-tapping screws for fixing. It is generally recommended to use triangular self-tapping screws as it is less prone to the problem of slipping teeth. The selection of hole diameter should be based on the diameter of the screws, for example, if the screws are locked with a diameter of 3mm, the hole diameter should lie between 2.4~2.5mm; if the screws are locked with a diameter of 4mm, the hole diameter should lie between 3.4~3.5mm.


3.  Safety operation : When assembling the sheet metal enclosure processing parts, semi-products, tools, etc. should be avoided and placed in a high position to prevent the objects from accidentally slipping and falling, causing injuries or damaging the products. At the same time, operators should pay attention to mutual co-operation and operate reasonably and efficiently in accordance with the process sequence.


4.  Process Knowledge : Sheet metal products should be designed to ensure that the designed sheet metal is on a flat surface after spreading without mutual interference. The basic processing of sheet metal parts includes undercutting, bending, stretching, forming and welding.


In general, the installation techniques of sheet metal enclosures need to take into account factors such as material properties, process requirements and operational safety to ensure the quality and safety of the products.

Sheet metal enclosure

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